The Global SDG Synthesis Coalition hosted the Voluntary National Review Lab on Using VNR data as part of a synthesis of global evaluative evidence on progress towards SDG17.
DATE : Wednesday, 12th July 2023
TIME : 14:00-15:00
LOCATION : Conference Room 11, UN Secretariat Building, New York
This VNR Lab focused on the ongoing Partnerships Pillar Synthesis, which includes an analysis of VNRs to determine what factors contribute to achieving SDG17 (Partnership Pillar) objectives. This analysis of VNRs is being triangulated with evidence on progress toward SDG17 from other sources, including impact evaluations, and performance and process undertaken by UN entities, Member States and development agencies.
Proceedings focused on a presentation of the initial findings from VNR analysis used in the Partnerships Pillar Synthesis, followed by a discussion of the new insights anticipated from triangulating this analysis with findings on progress toward SDG17 from other sources of evidence. Representatives of the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition provided an overview of the Coalition’s work, and the Synthesis Team from the American Institutes for Research (AIR) presented the Partnership Pillar Synthesis. Honorable representatives of France, Ireland, Liechtenstein, and Lithuania reflected on their own experiences of undertaking VNRs, as well as their thoughts on the analysis presented.
This event was one of a series of VNR Labs organized by UN DESA in the margins of the High-Level Political Forum, and the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition invites partners and Member State representatives eligible with HLPF passes to attend this event.
Some of the key lessons included:
Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition Secretariat via