SDG-17, or the Partnership Pillar, emphasizes the importance of revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. In this way, SDG-17 can serve as an enabler for achieving progress on the other SDG objectives. The Global SDG Synthesis Coalition partnered with American Institutes for Research (AIR) to undertake a synthesis of evaluative evidence to understand what works, why, and in what context in improving SDG-17 or the Partnership Pillar of the SDGs. The synthesis will primarily focus on the trade, finance, and technology aspects of SDG-17, as well as statistical capacity building and capacity building for the generation and use of quantitative and qualitative evidence. The synthesis will cover the following broad research questions (we present more detailed research sub questions in the section describing the research protocol):
To address these synthesis questions, a mixed-methods synthesis approach will be used, that includes (a) a text analysis of voluntary national review (VNR) data combined with in-depth statistical analyses of selected case study countries to address the first two research questions; (b) an evidence synthesis of impact evaluations and specifically randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental studies, and panel data analyses focused on finance, technology, trade, capacity building, and systemic issues to address the third research question; and (c) an evidence synthesis of process and performance evaluations focused on finance, technology, trade, capacity building, and systemic issues that were independently conducted or commissioned by UN entities and development partners from multilateral or bilateral organizations, civil society organizations, or the private sector to address the fourth research question.
This report presents the protocol for this evidence synthesis, outlining the synthesis questions, the thematic scope and eligibility criteria, and methodology.
Partnership Pillar - Methodological Protocol
This publication, produced by American Institutes for Research with inputs from the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition partners does not necessarily reflect the views of the individual organizations, entities and bodies partnering with the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition. Individual partners of the Global SDG synthesis Coalition (including staff and personnel) cannot ensure the accuracy, completeness or currency of the data included in this work and they do not assume responsibility for any errors, omissions, or discrepancies in the information, or liability with respect to the use of or failure to use the information, methods, processes or conclusions set forth.
de Hoop, Thomas, Andi Coombes, Melissa Rodgers, Averi Chakrabarti, Ozen Guven, Marlous de Milliano, Philomena Panagoulias, et al. “Synthesis of Evidence on the Partnership Pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals.” New York: The Global SDG Synthesis Coalition, 2023.
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