The Global SDG Synthesis Coalition is proud to have launched its first global synthesis on the Partnership Pillar (SDG 17) on the 17th September, the Acceleration Day of the SDG Action Weekend of the UNGA SDG Summit.
The synthesis report and accompanying Coalition Brief present lessons and insights on the key components of the Partnership Pillar: Trade, Finance, Technology, Capacity Development and Systemic Issues. Access our website to see the Insights Brief and two-pager summarizing the synthesis in 8 key insights, and for more access the full report containing 17 key lessons on how to accelerate SDG 17.
The SDG Summit was a key milestone for the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition, which is spearheaded by UNDP’s and UNICEF’s Evaluation Offices. The Coalition now comprises 45 UN entities, is engaging over 60 Member States, and a growing number of partners and funders from civil society and the private sector. The Coalition is reframing the role of evaluative evidence with a key focus on a learning agenda to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs.
Read the full newsletter here: